95 research outputs found

    The development of value systems and the role of information systems in the portuguese insurance industry

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    This study aims to analyze the status of partnerships between organizations in the Portuguese insurance industry and design a development strategy that includes the Information Systems (IS) dimension. In this paper, the current role of the IS in insurance partnerships (e.g.: automation of functionalities, alignment with decision makers) is analyzed, as well as their importance in the future. Since insurance information activities are knowledge intensive, a relational and learning approach was followed. The impact of the IS on collaboration and implications for the CIO (responsible for the IS) are presented. The existence of a good exploration of the IS for automation and integration of heterogeneous systems were verified. However, collaborative functionalities (e.g. Web 2.0) and partnership management indicators were not observed as a common practice. The CIO can be an agent of change, highlighting the IT Governance view and the socio-technical approach that are key to increase the maturity and value of the IS in the insurance industry.Foi pretendido estudar o atual estado das parcerias interorganizacionais do setor segurador português e projetar uma estratégia de desenvolvimento, onde se inclui a  dimensão dos Sistemas de Informação (SI). Nesta comunicação é analisado o atual papel dos SI nas parcerias dos seguros (ex: funcionalidades essenciais, alinhamento com os decisores), assim como a sua importância futura. Sendo a actividade seguradora informacional e conhecimento-intensiva, foi seguida uma abordagem relacional e orientada à aprendizagem. O impacto dos SI na colaboração e as implicações ao nível do perfil dos CIOs (responsáveis pelos SI) são apresentados. Foi verificada a existência de uma boa exploração dos SI para a automatização e integração de sistemas heterogênos. Todavia, funcionalidades colaborativas (ex: Web 2.0) e indicadores de gestão de parcerias são insuficientes. Os CIOs podem ser agentes de mudança, destacando-se a visão de IT Governance e a abordagem sociotécnica como chaves para incrementar a maturidade e o valor dos SI para os seguros

    The development of value systems and the role of information systems in the portuguese insurance industry

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    This study aims to analyze the status of partnerships between organizations in the Portuguese insurance industry and design a development strategy that includes the Information Systems (IS) dimension. In this paper, the current role of the IS in insurance partnerships (e.g.: automation of functionalities, alignment with decision makers) is analyzed, as well as their importance in the future. Since insurance information activities are knowledge intensive, a relational and learning approach was followed. The impact of the IS on collaboration and implications for the CIO (responsible for the IS) are presented. The existence of a good exploration of the IS for automation and integration of heterogeneous systems were verified. However, collaborative functionalities (e.g. Web 2.0) and partnership management indicators were not observed as a common practice. The CIO can be an agent of change, highlighting the IT Governance view and the socio-technical approach that are key to increase the maturity and value of the IS in the insurance industry.Foi pretendido estudar o atual estado das parcerias interorganizacionais do setor segurador português e projetar uma estratégia de desenvolvimento, onde se inclui a  dimensão dos Sistemas de Informação (SI). Nesta comunicação é analisado o atual papel dos SI nas parcerias dos seguros (ex: funcionalidades essenciais, alinhamento com os decisores), assim como a sua importância futura. Sendo a actividade seguradora informacional e conhecimento-intensiva, foi seguida uma abordagem relacional e orientada à aprendizagem. O impacto dos SI na colaboração e as implicações ao nível do perfil dos CIOs (responsáveis pelos SI) são apresentados. Foi verificada a existência de uma boa exploração dos SI para a automatização e integração de sistemas heterogênos. Todavia, funcionalidades colaborativas (ex: Web 2.0) e indicadores de gestão de parcerias são insuficientes. Os CIOs podem ser agentes de mudança, destacando-se a visão de IT Governance e a abordagem sociotécnica como chaves para incrementar a maturidade e o valor dos SI para os seguros

    The development of value systems and the role of information systems in the portuguese insurance industry

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    This study aims to analyze the status of partnerships between organizations in the Portuguese insurance industry and design a development strategy that includes the Information Systems (IS) dimension. In this paper, the current role of the IS in insurance partnerships (e.g.: automation of functionalities, alignment with decision makers) is analyzed, as well as their importance in the future. Since insurance information activities are knowledge intensive, a relational and learning approach was followed. The impact of the IS on collaboration and implications for the CIO (responsible for the IS) are presented. The existence of a good exploration of the IS for automation and integration of heterogeneous systems were verified. However, collaborative functionalities (e.g. Web 2.0) and partnership management indicators were not observed as a common practice. The CIO can be an agent of change, highlighting the IT Governance view and the socio-technical approach that are key to increase the maturity and value of the IS in the insurance industry.Foi pretendido estudar o atual estado das parcerias interorganizacionais do setor segurador português e projetar uma estratégia de desenvolvimento, onde se inclui a  dimensão dos Sistemas de Informação (SI). Nesta comunicação é analisado o atual papel dos SI nas parcerias dos seguros (ex: funcionalidades essenciais, alinhamento com os decisores), assim como a sua importância futura. Sendo a actividade seguradora informacional e conhecimento-intensiva, foi seguida uma abordagem relacional e orientada à aprendizagem. O impacto dos SI na colaboração e as implicações ao nível do perfil dos CIOs (responsáveis pelos SI) são apresentados. Foi verificada a existência de uma boa exploração dos SI para a automatização e integração de sistemas heterogênos. Todavia, funcionalidades colaborativas (ex: Web 2.0) e indicadores de gestão de parcerias são insuficientes. Os CIOs podem ser agentes de mudança, destacando-se a visão de IT Governance e a abordagem sociotécnica como chaves para incrementar a maturidade e o valor dos SI para os seguros

    The development of value systems and the role of information systems in the portuguese insurance industry

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    This study aims to analyze the status of partnerships between organizations in the Portuguese insurance industry and design a development strategy that includes the Information Systems (IS) dimension. In this paper, the current role of the IS in insurance partnerships (e.g.: automation of functionalities, alignment with decision makers) is analyzed, as well as their importance in the future. Since insurance information activities are knowledge intensive, a relational and learning approach was followed. The impact of the IS on collaboration and implications for the CIO (responsible for the IS) are presented. The existence of a good exploration of the IS for automation and integration of heterogeneous systems were verified. However, collaborative functionalities (e.g. Web 2.0) and partnership management indicators were not observed as a common practice. The CIO can be an agent of change, highlighting the IT Governance view and the socio-technical approach that are key to increase the maturity and value of the IS in the insurance industry.Foi pretendido estudar o atual estado das parcerias interorganizacionais do setor segurador português e projetar uma estratégia de desenvolvimento, onde se inclui a  dimensão dos Sistemas de Informação (SI). Nesta comunicação é analisado o atual papel dos SI nas parcerias dos seguros (ex: funcionalidades essenciais, alinhamento com os decisores), assim como a sua importância futura. Sendo a actividade seguradora informacional e conhecimento-intensiva, foi seguida uma abordagem relacional e orientada à aprendizagem. O impacto dos SI na colaboração e as implicações ao nível do perfil dos CIOs (responsáveis pelos SI) são apresentados. Foi verificada a existência de uma boa exploração dos SI para a automatização e integração de sistemas heterogênos. Todavia, funcionalidades colaborativas (ex: Web 2.0) e indicadores de gestão de parcerias são insuficientes. Os CIOs podem ser agentes de mudança, destacando-se a visão de IT Governance e a abordagem sociotécnica como chaves para incrementar a maturidade e o valor dos SI para os seguros

    O desenvolvimento dos sistemas de valor do sector segurador em Portugal

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    Doutoramento em Gestão IndustrialA investigação em apreço tem como horizonte de ocorrência o espaço inter-organizacional onde as empresas se relacionam entre si, com os seus fornecedores, canais e Clientes. É pretendido estudar o actual estado das parcerias inter-organizacionais do sector segurador nacional e definir uma estratégia de desenvolvimento integrado dos sistemas de valor. Com base num modelo de análise ancorado na (1) racionalidade económica inscrita na TCE (teoria dos custos de transacção) e (2) na óptica das Capacidades Dinâmicas, é proposto o Modelo GPS (Gestão Integrada de Parcerias) compaginável com uma visão holística e dinâmica. A metodologia de verificação empírica compreendeu (1) recolha de dados através de questionário, dirigido a Companhias e Parceiros e (2) entrevistas semi-estruturadas. A análise descritiva dos dados permitiu validar o modelo GPS e caracterizar um sistema de valor heterogéneo, complexo e diversificado relativamente à natureza e intensidade de relacionamentos. O sistema de relacionamentos foi enquadrado numa escala de maturidade onde foram posicionadas as várias práticas de gestão de parcerias. Actualmente nos seguros estamos perante um sistema mais economic-intensive, transaccional, do que knowledge-intensive. No teste de hipóteses, efectuado com a ferramenta SPSS, assinalam-se as correlações que se esperavam encontrar, bem como as (principais) ausências. De facto, a ausência de vestígios de correlação entre governance social/confiança e colaboração nos seguros não era esperada e constitui uma chamada de atenção para uma dimensão sub-explorada, conducente a um quadro tensional. No final, com base na realidade captada, foram traçadas recomendações de desenvolvimento dos sistemas de valor visando alcançar níveis colaborativos mais eficazes, assentes na força dos laços fortes. Todavia, esta nova narrativa de gestão não é neutral face aos modelos vigentes, implicando algum grau de ruptura. A continuação de especialização em actividades core, desconstruindo de forma (mais) pronunciada a cadeia de valor, secundada por maior níveis de colaboração e socialização entre pares, são elementos constitutivos da realidade futura. Vendo para além da linha do horizonte, os gestores seguradores não podem ficar indiferentes à projecção de uma matriz de fundo de relacionamentos mais colaborativos enquanto terreno fértil de inovação e renovação de fontes de vantagem competitiva.The research presented in this paper deals with an inter-organizational environment where companies cooperate with each other, with suppliers, distribution channels and clients. The objective of the study is to analyze the current status of inter-organizational partnerships in the insurance industry and define an integrated strategy for the development of their value systems. Based on the analysis of (1) the economic rationality underpinning the TCE (transaction cost theory) and (2) with the view of Dynamic Capabilities, the proposed GPS Model (Integrated Partnership Management) presents a holistic and dynamic approach. The descriptive analysis of the data validated the GPS model and characterizes a complex, heterogeneous and diverse value system relative to the nature and intensity of relationships with external entities. The relationship system was plotted in a maturity scale evaluating the current management practices about partnerships. The insurance industry is currently a more economic-intensive system (transactional), in opposition to a knowledge-intensive system. The hypothesis tested, using SPSS software, showed the expected correlations, as well as the (main) absences. In fact, the absence of indications of correlation between social governance/trust and collaboration in the insurance industry was not expected and is an attention point towards a tensional trade-off considering collaborative levels vs. management practices. However, a new management narrative could be implemented although is not neutral to the current models, implying some degree of change. Deconstructing the value chain in a stronger manner, coupled by larger levels of collaboration and socialization among peers, are elements that would build the future reality, anchored in the strength of strong ties. Looking beyond the horizon, managers in the insurance industry cannot remain indifferent as a more collaborative framework is linked with innovation, differentiation and renewal of sources of competitive advantages

    Evaluation of push and pull communication models on a VANET with virtual traffic lights

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    It is expected in a near future that safety applications based on vehicle-to-everything communications will be a common reality in the traffic roads. This technology will contribute to improve the safety of vulnerable road users, for example, with the use of virtual traffic light systems (VTLS) in the intersections. This work implements and evaluates a VTLS conceived to help the pedestrians pass safely the intersections without real traffic lights. The simulated VTLS scenario used two distinct communication paradigms—the pull and push communication models. The pull model was implemented in named data networking (NDN), because NDN uses natively a pull-based communication model, where consumers send requests to pull the contents from the provider. A distinct approach is followed by the push-based model, where consumers subscribe previously the information, and then the producers distribute the available information to those consumers. Comparing the performance of the push and pull models on a VANET with VTLS, it is observed that the push mode presents lower packet loss and generates fewer packets, and consequently occupies less bandwidth, than the pull mode. In fact, for the considered metrics, the VTLS implemented with the pull mode presents no advantage when compared with the push mode.This work has been supported by national funds through FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2020 and by the European Structural and Investment Funds in the FEDER component, through the Operational Competitiveness and Internationalization Programme (COMPETE 2020) [Project nº 039334; Funding Reference: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-039334]

    A new approach on communications architectures for intelligent transportation systems

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    A Vehicular Adhoc Network (VANET) is a generic communications conceptualization that can be applied to Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and its main goal is to allow exchange of information between moving vehicles, fixed infrastructures, pedestrians with personal devices, and all other electronic devices able to connect to a VANET environment. Information exchange between different stakeholders brings a relevant potential to the development of applications to help users in different areas such as traffic safety and efficiency, infotainment and personal comfort. However, due to the expected heterogeneity (different processing power and storage capabilities, communications technologies and mobility patterns) and large scale on the number of devices involved, application interoperability in VANET contexts can be a challenging problem. Non-agnostic standard communications architectures for ITS systems have some deploying limitations and lack important specific implementation details. This paper presents an agnostic VANET architecture (it permits the use of several communication technologies in an open and modular framework), which is an adaption of present standards approach, to be deployed on ITS systems as a mean to overcome their main limitations. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.This work has been sponsored by the Portugal Incentive System for Research and Technological Development. Project in co-promotion no 002797/2015 (INNOVCAR 2015-2018), and also by COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043 and FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2013

    Kinin B1 receptor deficiency protects mice fed by cafeteria diet from abnormal glucose homeostasis

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    The kallikrein–kinin system has been implicated in body weight and glucose homeostasis. Their major effectors act by binding to the kinin B2 and B1 receptors. It was assessed the role of the kinin B1 receptor in weight and glucose homeostasis in B1 receptor knockout mice (B1RKO) subjected to a cafeteria diet (CAF). Wild-type (WT) and B1RKO male mice (C57BL/6 background; 8 weeks old) were fed a standard diet (SD) or CAF for 14 weeks, ad libitum, and four groups were formed: WT-SD; B1RKO-SD; WT-CAF; B1RKO-CAF. Body weight and food intake were assessed weekly. It was performed glucose tolerance (GTT) and insulin tolerance tests (ITT), and HOMA-IR, HOMA-β and HOMA-β* 1/HOMA-IR were calculated. Islets from WT and B1RKO were isolated in order to measure the insulin secretion. Western blot was used to assess the hepatic AKT phosphorylation and qPCR to assess gene expression. CAF induced a higher body mass gain in B1RKO compared to WT mice. CAF diet increased epididymal fat depot mass, hepatic fat infiltration and hepatic AKT phosphorylation in both genotypes. However, B1RKO mice presented lower glycemic response during GTT when fed with CAF, and a lower glucose decrease in the ITT. This higher resistance was overcomed with higher insulin secretion when stimulated by high glucose, resulting in higher glucose uptake in the GTT when submitted to CAF, despite lower insulin sensitivity. Islets from B1RKO delivered 4 times more insulin in 3-month-old mice than islets from WT. The higher insulin disposition index and high insulin delivery of B1RKO can explain the decreased glucose excursion during GTT. In conclusion, CAF increased the β-cell function in B1RKO mice, compensated by the diet-induced insulin resistance and resulting in a healthier glycemic response despite the higher weight gain

    Optimization of zirconia surface textured designs using Nd:Yag laser for biomedical applications

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    The development of surface textured designs has influence in primary stability of surgically placed implants since a textured surface allows to firmer mechanical link to the surrounding tissue. Laser technology has been investigated to develop new surface designs on green zirconia compacts by cold pressing. Nd:Yag laser were used to produce several strategies and different laser parameters (laser power, speed and laser passages) were tested to evaluate their impact on cavities geometry and depth. The surface texture designs were analysed by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and regular geometries such as cavities or pillars were observed. The distance between lines have a strong impact on texturing quality and should be combined with optimum power and speed conditions. Regarding the optimized conditions, several surface textured patterns were created in both green and sintered zirconia compacts. This study allowed to conclude that only some texturing strategies are suitable to obtain high quality surface textured patterns. Otherwise, the remaining strategies are potential solutions for obtaining high quality machined structures (laser does not machine cavities but crosses the entire bulk). High strength zirconia scaffolds were machined by laser and CNC machining technologies and the two promising technologies were compared.This work is supported by FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) through the grant SFRH/BD/148031/2019, the project UIDB/04436/2020 and UIDP/04436/2020

    Portuguese Football Federation consensus statement 2020: nutrition and performance in football

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    Nutrition is an undeniable part of promoting health and performance among football (soccer) players. Nevertheless, nutritional strategies adopted in elite football can vary significantly depending on culture, habit and practical constraints and might not always be supported by scientific evidence. Therefore, a group of 28 Portuguese experts on sports nutrition, sports science and sports medicine sought to discuss current practices in the elite football landscape and review the existing evidence on nutritional strategies to be applied when supporting football players. Starting from understanding football's physical and physiological demands, five different moments were identified: preparing to play, match-day, recovery after matches, between matches and during injury or rehabilitation periods. When applicable, specificities of nutritional support to young athletes and female players were also addressed. The result is a set of practical recommendations that gathered consensus among involved experts, highlighting carbohydrates periodisation, hydration and conscious use of dietary supplements.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio